Jeopardy Contestant Mistakes Michael Caine For Mick Jagger & Twitter Reacts

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Mazin Omer is the latest Jeopardy! contestant to go down in history...and not in a good way.

During a recent episode, Omer chose the $400 clue in a category called "Knight After Knight," A photo of Michael Caine appeared on the screen as host Mayim Bialik read the clue: “To honor his father, this star here was knighted in his birth name, so he’s Sir Maurice Micklewhite.”

Omer then responded: "Who is Mick Jagger."

Twitter was beside itself after the massive fail, and that made for some great reactions.

"#jeopardy is on 30 minutes earlier where I live than where my mom lives," one person wrote. "Just texted her: Someone is going to say Mick Jagger and you will yell at the TV."

"One of the contestants on Jeopardy just mistook a photo of Michael Caine for Mick Jagger. I'm not sure which of those two gentlemen would be more offended," quipped another.

"does Michael Caine know that someone on Jeopardy thought he was Mick Jagger," questioned another. "I want to know how he feels about that"

The Rolling Stones were forced to postpone a couple shows after Jagger tested positive for COVID. Fortunately, the singer is "feeling much better" now, so maybe he was watching the show and cringing along with the rest of us?

See the epic fail and some of the best reactions below.

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